Member Conduct Code
Epic Game | Community rules
We aim to make sure that all members of the Epic Game community experience an pleasant atmosphere while engaging in play and socializing with friends –. We rely on your collaboration to achieve this goal.
The guidelines, for community behavior pertain to everyone who engages with Epic Game’s games and services and detail conduct in interactions with others; the instances cited are meant for clarification. Are not comprehensive, in scope.
Adhering, to these guidelines is simple enough; however breaching them could lead to repercussions such, as a ban.
Community Rules
- Personal Information: Do not disclose other users’ personal data beyond what is publicly displayed, and keep your own personal details private.
- Intolerance and Discrimination Note; Epic Game firmly rejects all types of hate speech and discriminatory conduct.
- Always remember to be respectful, towards users and avoid any form of bullying or offensive behavior, in gaming communities.
- Be honest. Play fair by following the rules without cheating or taking advantage of others in any way.
- Participating in unlawful behaviors is prohibited here. We encourage everyone to contribute to a welcoming and encouraging environment through their content and interactions.
- Every breach of the rules is assessed individually to determine its consequences.
- If you come across a player breaking the rules, in the game make sure to report them using the, in game reporting feature.
- Make sure to safeguard your information and privacy at all times.
Please note that these guidelines may not be the Epic Game Community Rules – it's important to keep informed, about any updates that may occur in the future. Lets all remember that our main goal here is to enjoy ourselves and have fun together!
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